Device rated “excellent” or “very good” by most surveyed patients

Following the clinical trials, a subset of women voluntarily completed an exit survey. The majority of participants gave Vyleesi autoinjector a high rating (excellent or very good) for ease of use (86.8%), convenience (73.1%), and not needing to take medication every day (79.3%).3*

*1,247 women were randomized in the RECONNECT trials. Upon completion of the 24-week double-blind study period, a total of 242 participants (Vyleesi, n=102; placebo, n=140) completed the voluntary quantitative exit survey. The survey comprised 16 questions and was conducted to understand the perceived effects and meaningfulness of Vyleesi to provide additional context to the clinical trial data.1,3

Vyleesi for premenopausal women

Not actual patient.

A ready-to-use, patient-administered autoinjector

Key Administration Steps1,2†

To administer Vyleesi, pull the clear cap from the autoinjector to activate. Place the purple tip flat against the abdomen or thigh. Press and hold until you hear 2 clicks. Check to make sure the view window is purple with a little gray tip still showing and lift pen straight out.To administer Vyleesi, pull the clear cap from the autoinjector to activate. Place the purple tip flat against the abdomen or thigh. Press and hold until you hear 2 clicks. Check to make sure the view window is purple with a little gray tip still showing and lift pen straight out.

Injection site reactions occurred in 13.2% of Vyleesi-treated patients. These included: injection site pain, unspecified injection site reactions, erythema, hematoma, pruritus, hemorrhage, bruising, paresthesia, and hypoesthesia.1

Please review the full Instructions for Use with your patients to make sure they understand how to properly administer Vyleesi.